Let’s work together!
Expand Cardiac Care with HeartNexus
Nationwide Coverage
Our practicioners are nationwide, providing cardiac care for your patients anytime, anywhere.
Your Own Virtual Cardiology Unit
Our telecardiology services can act as a virtual extension to hospitals, clinics, medical practices, medical devices, and more!
Volume-Based Models
Our team is ready to take on any of our servces, and can provide exclusive pricing based on the volume of consultations and services provided.
No Significant Investment
Price efficient solutions provided virtually by our team can lessen your investment significantly while tapping into a high-demand, high-revenue service.
Fast & Versatile
Majority of our strategies can be completed with a quick onboarding process, as well as provide services to business with any type of compliant point to receive data.
US-based, board-certified cardiologists
Accuracy and quality of patient care remain on the forefront of HeartNexus, as our highly seasoned team can provide accurate results from anywhere in the nation.